Our system will invisibly repair burns, rips and tears within minutes on any type of fabric including complicated multicoloured and patterned fabrics.

Repairing any interior damage will add value to your vehcile and is not an expensive type of repair, leaving most types of interior repairs and not fixing them whilst the repair is still small enough, may lead to, having to replace instead of repairing.

Types of Interior repairs that can be carried out are listed below:

Vinyl Repairs: Tears in both soft and hard vinyl, for example, holes where mobile phones had been fitted, tears from car radio removals.

Velour Repairs: Cigarette burns, tears or holes in both plain and patterned seats and car interiors.

Leather & Carpets: Again a perfect colour match and permanent repair to all types of carpets and upholstery in cars, homes and businesses.

For any questions on interior repairs please feel free to call we have an 8 till late phone policy!

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